

Reliability and technological innovation

WSG Centro Utensili takes pride in its consolidated experience in the design, production, sales and distribution of high performing industrial metal cutting tools that can boost productivity. The choice to always take advantage from the up to date technological tools production processes, along with the constant development of its own technical skills, has furthermore led to the development of a strategic internal capacity to produce special tools and designs. This is where the “Technology at work” pay off started from, and has accompanied the WSG Cutting Tools trademark ever since, underlining the technological features and reliability of the precision cutting tools offered, amplified by an excellent service that ensures top quality technical assistance at all levels, and delivery within 24 hours.

Wide choice and immediate access

The client who relies on WSG’s cutting tools can count on the various lines of avant-garde products, upgraded through the most advanced technological developments that can also respond to the most modern demands. The range offers a broad selection and great stock levels, offering immediate availability of all the tools for threading, tapping, metal drilling, milling or reaming processes. This catalogue today globally covers about 450 product groups, each in turn with different variants and sizes, and over 10,000 types of tools that are continually upgraded, ready to satisfy the needs of tool businesses, mechanical industries, industrial products retailers, wholesalers and metal ware shops, moulders, automotive firms, carpentry workshops and artisans.


A tool for every need

WSG’s line of cutting tools carefully complies with various production needs, from product research in a perfectly balanced price-quality perspective, to the need for technologically high performing tools that can provide the best performances in processing, endurance and productivity.

The WSG range covers all the main processes carried out by the metal work industry: metal drilling, threading/tapping, reaming and milling. Particular innovations were seen over the last years, in the threading/tapping and milling works. Special innovations came about lately in the threading/tapping and milling, the specific ranges of which were broadened and enriched with some innovative and extremely high performing products that have further consolidated the Centro Utensili prestige as a leader in the production and distribution of precision metal-cutting tools.

Our Tool lines


Hand and machine taps, taps with internal cooling, synchronized taps for rigid tapping, cold forming taps, hand and machine dies.


Twist drills with spiral-fluted and tapered shank, solid carbide twist drills, long and extra-long twist drills with internal cooling, center drills, subland drills, and micro drills.


Hand and machine reamers, shell reamers high-torsion reamers, bridge reamers, taper pin reamers, adjustable reamers, arbors for shell reamers, core drills/counterbores, deburrers, countersinks, countersinks/counterbores for screw seats


Parallel shank end mills, Morse taper threaded shank end mills, dove tail and corner rounding cutters, side-and-face cutters, slotting cutters, solid carbide end mills, end mills for roughing, end mills for finishing, end mills for super-finishing, end mills for copying, high-speed cutting/HSC end mills, face milling cutters, side and face milling cutters, woodruff keyseats milling cutters, T-slot cutters.

At the Client's service

Centro Utensili WSG stands out for the efficiency of its services. Retailers of industrial technical items, tool dealers, wholesalers and hardware shops can count on an all-round support that translates into a true and proper partnership.


Our exclusive offer to our retailer clients consists in the activation of an online platform that can offer technical assistance upon purchase. It is a true and proper direct line to the company, to quickly resolve all problems or doubts.

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